PRE-PROJECT CHECKLIST Full Name: Address: Phone Numbers: Email Address(es): Who should be contacted for daily decisions? What method of contact should be used? Cell PhoneHome PhoneWork PhoneEmail Can we work in your home when no one is home? YesNo May we have key to access your home? YesNo     If No, how will our workers gain access? Does your house have an alarm system? YesNo     If Yes, will workers need to deactivate? YesNo Access Code: Will bathroom facilities in your home be available to workers? YesNo     (Please be aware that if one is not available, there will be an additional charge for rental of an on-site portable toilet.) Will you allow workers to play radios at reasonable volumes? YesNo Please list all areas of your home that are off limits to workers: Please list available parking spots for workers: Where can building materials be stored? If dumpster needed, where can it be placed? Can a company sign be placed on your property? YesNo Any health conditions related to this project? Any outside structures (plants, etc..) to avoid? Do you have any pets? YesNo     If Yes, should we be aware of anything? Submit Checklist