Home Remodel Blog

Home Remodeling Checklist to Keep Your Home Renovations in Check!

Home Remodeling Checklist to Keep Your Home Renovations in Check!

Home remodeling and renovations are definitely exciting! The aspect of building your own custom space is a dream come true, but that does not mean that it is not overwhelming. Unless you are in the construction industry, you likely have an idea of what you want the...

Making Your Home More Energy-Efficient For 2022!

Making Your Home More Energy-Efficient For 2022!

The holidays are quickly approaching, and soon it will be that time of year where we all resolve to do things differently than we did the preceding year. If your goal is to cut energy costs over the holidays and going forward, there are a lot of simple changes you can...

6 Ways NOT to Find a Contractor in Augusta!

6 Ways NOT to Find a Contractor in Augusta!

When you decide to add on to or renovate your home, there is no one right way to find the best contractor in Augusta, but there are some surefire ways that you won’t. A contractor is integral not only to get the job done but also, to get it done correctly. The many...

Inspiration For Your Home Renovation Project

Inspiration For Your Home Renovation Project

People often come to us wanting to renovate their kitchens, bathrooms, and living spaces but are completely overwhelmed about how to even start. Unfortunately, not all of us were born with a design mind for the fine details. And getting in over your head looking for...

A Fence Installation – Add Beauty and Boundaries to Your Home

A Fence Installation – Add Beauty and Boundaries to Your Home

In the words of Robert Frost, “good fences make good neighbors,” which we can all relate to. Being in a community surrounded by wonderful neighbors is the ideal situation. But just because you get along with the people next door, that doesn’t necessarily mean that you...

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