5 Qualities to Look for When Hiring a Kitchen Remodeling Contractor in Augusta, GA

October 21, 2020

Although COVID has inarguably changed the economic makeup of our country, not all industries are suffering from ill effects. Remodeling and renovations are at an all-time high, which is limiting the number of options that homeowners have when it comes to hiring a kitchen remodeling contractor in Augusta, GA. And although most people have to factor the cost of a project into their decision, it shouldn’t be the deciding factor. When hiring a kitchen renovation contractor, it is important to look for these five qualities that signal you are getting the quality necessary for a job well-done.

1. The Reputation Kitchen Remodeling Contractor in Augusta

When it comes to a kitchen remodel, things can get pretty complex really quickly. It takes a multitude of various trades from plumbing to HVAC to cabinet installation. Not all contractors are jack-of-all-trade type services. Choose a kitchen remodeling company that has an established record for excellence. It is important to look at things like on-page reviews. But go one step more to check out other sources like Google reviews, the BBB, and ask friends and family if they can recommend someone. Clients who are happy with the quality of the service they received will be happy to share their opinions. And so too are clients who received less than stellar service. By researching a company, you can not only find the right one; most likely, you can weed out the one to avoid.

2. Licensure and Insurance

A kitchen is a critical and costly part of your home’s investment. Before you hire someone to tear it apart, make sure that they have the proper licensure and insurance. You will want to ensure that the contractor you choose has all the right license requirements to get the job done correctly. And you also want to make sure that they have all the necessary insurance policy requirements to protect not just them, but you if things should go awry. Sometimes no matter how detailed and experienced you are, things can go wrong. So making sure they can cover whatever unexpected things might arise is important to protect your greatest asset. 

3. Get It Writing

Not only is it essential to get more than just one estimate, make sure to get it all in writing. When it comes to a kitchen remodeling contract, you want to leave nothing to chance. Read over any estimate with a fine-toothed comb and make sure that there aren’t any hidden fees or charges that aren’t included. It is those little things that are omitted that usually end up costing the most. And if you aren’t making sure everything is calculated and cared for; then you are opening yourself to potentially paying a whole lot more than you bargained for.

4. Don’t Pay Your Kitchen Remodeling Contractor the Balance Upfront

 One of the biggest things to watch out for are contractors who require that you pay the balance before the job is completed. It is completely alright to pay a portion as the job goes along. The contractor has to have some liquidity to pay for materials. But if the company is asking that you pay for all in advance, or at some point they want you to pay in full before you have gone through the final punch list, that is a huge red flag that they won’t follow through to the end. And if they don’t, if you have already paid the balance, you will have no recourse to have things fixed or done.

5. Don’t Make Assumptions – Get Your Questions Answered

If there are things that you aren’t sure about — make sure to ask! Before you hire any kitchen remodeling contractor in Augusta, GA it is important to ask the questions you aren’t sure about. Things like who pays for what, what kind of allowance they are giving, and whose responsibility things are should all be decided upon and built into the contract at the start of a job. Even if it isn’t in the estimate, ask for clarification so that things can be amended. Now is not a time to be shy; a reputable company will want to ensure that you are 100% satisfied, and you won’t be if you feel like you were not given all the information necessary at the start of the job.

The good news is that the remodeling and renovating industry is still going strong. The bad news is that reputable companies are all booking up quickly. Before you hire a renovation contractor, know exactly what you are getting into and what their track record is. If there was ever a time to proceed with caution — a kitchen remodel is it. At Clean ’n Brite, we seek to provide the highest quality service without any hidden surprises or fees. Contact us today for a free estimate to get your kitchen remodel underway. 

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